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Sword Hilt Candleholders

Sword Hilt Candleholders

© Memorial Hall Museum, Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association

William Abercrombie purchased a pair of Cornelius Kelley's popular 'sword hilt candleholders' in 1927. These and a number of other wrought iron pieces by the blacksmith found a home in the Indian House Memorial (built in 1929 and purchased by Abercrombie in 1932). The original Sheldon house, also known as the Old Indian house, had seen Deerfield's famous French and Indian raid in 1704, and remained standing until 1848. Its replica, the Indian House Memorial served during the 1930s as a Society of Deerfield Industries shop and exhibition space. The sword hilt candleholders possess an aura of 'the past' well suited to the reproduction of a house built when the town of Deerfield was in its infancy.

Cornelius Kelley
H. 5.75" x W. 5" x D. 4"