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In Their Words

Exhibit in the Allen Sisters' Home

Read Aloud

We cross the road to enter the gray old house of the Misses Allen who make photographs. And there in a front room of the house are pictures enough to charm you as long as you can spare the time to look at them. The photographs are the finished work of artists in their handling of light and shadow and the accentuating of detail. The subjects are many. A flock of turkeys climbs a Vermont hillside and close beside are the sweeping cypresses of Monterey with all their delicate tracery of shadow. A girl sits pensively in a window seat with her profile outlined sharply against the window panes and there are many other excellent indoor portraits. A photograph which almost seems to breathe is that of Mrs. Grace Hazard Conklin standing in a sunny, wind tossed orchard with an arm about each of her two little girls.

"Ye Olden Time," Springfield Republican July 11, 1919.